WPJA winners!
We entered a few photos in the wedding photojournalist association winter contest and had 4 winning images!!! We’re honored to be in the company of the best photojournalists from around the world. Here are the winning photos:

JUDGES COMMENTS: The light is radiant, the composition dynamic and powerful. This image is rock solid, creative and very well seen. It tells the story so well. An excellent play on reflection and composition. One image has the mode of transportation, the driver and the church …. Including a moment. If I were at the horse track I just won the tri-fecta! I loved this frame.

JUDGES COMMENTS: The photographer seems to have caught one of the more genuine moments in this category. And the space the photographer has left them feels respectful and the graphics of the image are beautiful.


JUDGES COMMENTS: The brightness/light tones and the use of space to show the various people as well as the main girl splayed out are what work so well here.