Latest Blog Posts - Page 87


Robin + Erin from the caketastic Gateaux were on the Food Network’s Dr Seuss Cake Challenge.

Check it out!

St. Paul shenanigans

Some of you may have seen some of the fun work we’ve done for the city of St. Paul.

Here are a few more recent St. Paul projects:

St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman and son:

The start of a year long project documenting parts of St. Paul for their soon to relaunch website.

Studio 306 on style me pretty

As seen on Martha Stewart!
For the style obsessed bride! A great place for ideas, inspiration, design, fashion, and how to’s.

Studio 306 was recently asked to be a part of Abby Jean’s Little Black Book of Vendors on the fabulous Style me Pretty Blog. Only 3 vendors from each category are chosen. Check it out!