After an extended blog hiatus due to the busiest fall ever we’re back! Check out the fresh weddings below!
Also, for all you procrastinators out there: Get your holiday orders in early!!
Anyone who would like their galleries reactivated give us a shout:
Happy November!
Jamie looking radiant at the Basilica of St. Mary.

The first meeting.
We knew Jamie and Gordon were going to be fun!
The reception was held at the lafayette Club.
For you frequent Studio 306 blog readers out there you’re probably sick of hearing about the amazing and fantastical Gateaux. Too bad! :) We can’t wait to see their creations whenever we find out our brides have chosen the best.
A little soap opera action!
Christie + Dave met up at picturesque Rice Park in downtown St. Paul.

Classic. Mona Lisa.
The ceremony was held at the historic Fort Snelling Chapel.
How cool is this? Modern depictions in stain glass!
The reception was held at the University Club.